The Pali Canon, its Commentaries, and Translations

The following text is based upon Pali Text Society publications unless otherwise stated- but for up to date prices for PTS publications, consult their website, linked here.

Vinayapi.taka, ed. H. Oldenberg. Complete set; including index volume, 253 6; £105:
vol. I: Mahâvagga, 1879, reprinted 1969; 190 4; £21.95
vol. II: Cûlavagga, 1880, reprinted 1977,1995; 191 2; £19.50
vol. III: Suttavibha.nga part I, and Samantapâsâdikâ, Bâhira-nidâna (see separate entry, below 1881, reprinted 1993 with vol.IV: Suttavibha.nga part II, 1882; 192 0; £19.50
vol. V: Parivâra, 1883, reprinted 1982; 194 7; £16.25
Index to the Vinaya-Pi.taka, Ousaka, Yamazi and Norman, 1996; 338 9; £22.50

Text translation:
The Book of the Discipline, tr. I.B. Horner. Complete set; 254 4; £127.50:
vol. I, Suttavibha.nga, 1938, repr. 1992; 037 1; £22.75
vol. II, Suttavibha.nga, 1940, repr. 1993; 038 X; £22.75
vol. III, Suttavibha.nga, 1942, repr. 1993; 039 8: £22.75; (vols I-III translate text vols III-IV)
vol. IV, Mahâvagga, 1951, reprinted 1993; 040 1; £22.75 (translation of text. vol.I)
vol. V, Cûlavagga, 1952, reprinted 1993; 044 4; £22.75 (translation of text vol.II)
vol. VI, Parivâra, 1966, reprinted 1993; 049 5; £22.75 (translation of text vol.V)

Samantapâsâdikâ, ed. J. Takakusu and M. Nagai. Complete set; 247 1; £102.75:
vol. I, 1924, reprinted 1975; 158 0; £17.75
vol. II, 1927, reprinted 1969; 159 9; £15.75
vol. III, 1930, reprinted 1968; 160 2; £14.25
vol. IV, 1934, reprinted 1979; 161 0; £14.25
vol. V, 1938, reprinted 1966; 162 9; £14.25
vol. VI, 1947, reprinted 1982; 163 7; £8.00
vol. VII, 1947, reprinted 1981; 164 5; £12.50
vol. VIII, Indexes by H. Kopp, 1977: 065 7; £18.50

Samantapâsâdikâ, Bâhira-nidâna (Vinaya-Nidâna), ed. and tr. N.A. Jayawickrama, 1962, reprinted 1986; 045 2; £18.50

Ka.nkhâvitara.nî, (Pâ.timokkha Commentary) ed. D.A.L. Maskell, 1956, reprinted 1981; 115 7; £21.25

Commentary translation:
The Inception of Discipline, tr. N.A. Jayawickrama, 1962: translation of vol. I of the commentary

(Also referred to by Buddhaghosa as the Dîghâgama).

Dîgha Nikâya. Complete set; including index volume, 237 4; £70.00:
vol. I, ed. T.W. Rhys Davids and J.E. Carpenter, 1889; reprinted 1983, 1995; 096 7; £16.50
vol. II, ed. T.W. Rhys Davids and J.E. Carpenter, 1903; reprinted 1982, 1995; 097 5; £20.00
vol. III, ed. J.E. Carpenter, 1910; reprinted 1992; 098 3; £19.00
Index, Yamazaki, Ousaka, Norman and Cone, 1997; 355 9; £19.75

Text translation:
Dialogues of the Buddha, tr. T.W. and Mrs C.A.F. Rhys Davids. Complete set; 258 7; £51.95:
vol. I, tr. T.W. Rhys Davids, 1899; reprinted 1973, 1995; 033 9; £18.50
vol. II, tr. T.W. and Mrs C.A.F. Rhys Davids, 1910; 4th edn. reprinted 1989,1995; 034 7; £18.50
vol. III, tr. Mrs Rhys Davids, 1921; reprinted 1991, 1995; 035 5; £17.25

A more recent, non-PTS translation (with some cutting out of repetitions) is:
The Long Discourses of the Buddha, translated in one volume, Maurice Walshe, Wisdom Publications, Boston, USA, 1995, £22.95

Translations of three Suttas of the Dîgha Nikâya, and their commentaries, published by the Buddhist Publication Society, Kandy, Sri Lanka (available from Wisdom Books: see UKABS page of web-sites of publishers for information), are:
The All-embracing Net of Views: The Brahmajâla Sutta and its Commentaries, tr. Bhikkhu Bodhi, 1992, ISBN 955-24-0045-7, £13.50

The Discourse on the Fruits of Recluseship: The Sâmaññaphala Sutta and Its Commentaries, tr. Bhikkhu Bodhi, Sri Lanka, 1989, £9.00.

The Great Discourse on Causation: The Mahânidâna Sutta and its Commentaries, tr. Bhikkhu Bodhi, 1984, £9.00

Suma.ngalavilâsinî Complete set; 250 1; £56.75:
vol. I, ed. T.W. Rhys Davids and J.E. Carpenter, 1886, 2nd edn. 1968; 174 2; £20.50
vol. II, ed. W. Stede, 1931, 2nd edn. 1970; 175 0; £20.50
vol. III, ed. W. Stede, 1932, 2nd edn. 1971; 176 9; £20.50

Dîgha Nikâya sub-commentary (atthakathâ-.tîkâ) (Lînatthapakâsinî), ed. Lily de Silva, 1970 , Complete set; 238 2; £69.00:
vol. I, 1995; 099 1; £30.25
vol. II; 100 9; £24.25
vol. III; 101 7; £19.75

(Also referred to by Buddhaghosa as the Majjhimâgama).

Majjhima-Nikâya. Complete set; 242 0; £72.75:
vol. I, ed. V. Trenckner, 1888; reprinted 1993; 123 8; £28.50
vol. II, ed. R. Chalmers, 1896-98; reprinted 1993; 124 6; £17.00
vol. III, ed. R. Chalmers, 1899-1902; reprinted 1977, 1994; 125 4; £20.00
vol. IV, Indexes by Mrs C.A.F. Rhys Davids, 1925; reprinted 1991; 126 2; £14.25

Text translation:

[Further Dialogues of the Buddha], tr. R. Chalmers. Not available

Middle Length Sayings, tr. I.B. Horner. Complete set; 262 5; £59.75:
vol. I, 1954; reprinted 1993, 1995; 020 7: £21.95
vol. II, 1957; reprinted 1989, 1994; 021 5; £21.95
vol. III, 1959; reprinted 1993; 022 3: £21.95

An alternative, non-PTS, translation is:
The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha, translated in one volume. Original translation by Bhikkhu Ñâ.namoli, edited and revised by Bhikkhu Bodhi. Wisdom Publications, Boston, USA, 1995, £52.

A translations of the first Sutta of the Majjhima Nikâya, and its commentary, published by the Buddhist Publication Society, Kandy, Sri Lanka (available from Wisdom Books: see UKABS page on web-sites of publishers for information), is:
The Discourse on the Root of Existence: The Mûlapariyâya Sutta and Its Commentaries, tr. Bhikkhu Bodhi, 1992, £5.25

Papañcasûdanî. Complete set; 245 5; £81.50:
vol. I, ed. J.H. Woods and D. Kosambi, 1922; reprinted 1983; 142 4; £19.50
vol. II, ed. J.H. Woods and D. Kosambi, 1928; reprinted 1979; 143 2; £19.50
vol. III, ed. I.B. Horner, 1933; reprinted 1976 ; 144 0; £27.50
vol. IV, ed. I.B. Horner, 1937, repr. 1977 as one vol. with vol. V, ed. I.B. Horner, 1938; reprinted 1977; 145 9; £19.50

(Also referred to by Buddhaghosa as Sa.myuttâgama).

Sa.myutta-Nikâya, ed. L. Feer and others. Complete set; 370 2; £112.50:
vol. I, new edition 1991; 367 2; £17.75
vol. II, 1888; reprinted 1989, 1994; 166 1; £17.75
vol. III, 1890; reprinted 1975; 167 X; £17.75
vol. IV, 1894; reprinted 1990; 168 8; £22.75
vol. V, 1898; reprinted 1976; 169 6; £23.50
vol. VI, Indexes by Mrs. C.A.F. Rhys Davids, 1904; reprinted 1980; 170 X; £16.25

[Copies of the 1884 L. Feer edition of Sa.myutta-nikâya vol.I are still available: ISBN 165 3; £17.75]

Text translation:
The Book of the Kindred Sayings, tr. Mrs. C.A.F. Rhys Davids and F.L. Woodward, Complete set; 256 0; £77.50
vol. I, tr. Mrs Rhys Davids, 1917; reprinted 1993; 004 5; £19.00
vol. II, tr. Mrs Rhys Davids, 1922; reprinted 1990; 007 X; £14.25
vol. III, tr. Woodward, 1924; reprinted 1992,1995; 010 X; £15.00
vol. IV, tr. Woodward, 1927; reprinted 1993; 011 8; £19.00
vol. V, tr. Woodward, 1930; reprinted 1994; 012 6: £19.00

An alternative, non-PTS, translation is:
The Connected Discourses of the Buddha, translated in one volume. Translated by Bhikkhu Bodhi. Wisdom Publications, Boston, USA, 2002, £69.

Sâratthappakâsinî. F.L. Woodward. Complete set; 249 8; £56.95:
vol. I, 1929; reprinted 1977; 171 8; £19.00
vol. II, 1932; reprinted 1977; 172 6; £21.25
vol. III, 1937; reprinted 1977; 173 4; £21.95

(also referred to by Buddhaghosa as A.nguttarâgama, and in para-canonical works as Ekuttarika).

A.nguttara-Nikâya. Complete set, various dates; 234 X; £117.75:
vol. I, ed. R. Morris, 1885, 2nd edn. 1961,1989; 067 3; £19.75
vol. II, ed. R. Morris, 1888; reprinted 1976,1995; 068 1; £19.75
vol. III, ed. E. Hardy, 1897; reprinted 1976,1994; 078 9; £22.75
vol. IV, ed. E. Hardy, 1899; reprinted 1979; 079 7; £22.75
vol. V, ed. E. Hardy, 1900; reprinted 1979; 080 0; £22.75
vol. VI, Indexes by M. Hunt and Mrs C.A.F., Rhys Davids, 1910; reprinted 1981; 081 9; £14.50

Text translation:
The Book of the Gradual Sayings, tr. F.L.Woodward and E.M. Hare. Complete Set; 255 2; £85.50
vol. I, tr. Woodward, 1932; reprinted 1989,1995; 014 2; £18.75
vol. II, tr. Woodward, 1933; reprinted 1992,1995; 015 0: 317.00
vol. III, tr. Hare, 1934; reprinted 1988,1995; 016 9; £18.75
vol. IV, tr. Hare, 1935; reprinted 1989,1995; 017 7; £18.75
vol. V, tr. Woodward, 1936; reprinted 1994; 018 5; £17.00


Manorathapûra.nî. Complete set; 243 9; £87.25:
vol. I, ed. M. Walleser, 1924, 2nd edn. 1973; 127 0; £22.75
vol. II, ed. M. Walleser and H. Kopp, 1930; reprinted 1968; 128 9; £22.75
vol. III, ed. H. Kopp, 1936; reprinted 1966; 129 7; £22.75
vol. IV, ed. H. Kopp, 1940; reprinted 1979; 130 0; £14.25
vol. V, ed. H. Kopp, 1957; reprinted 1977; 131 9; £12.50

A.nguttaranikâya.tîkâ, vol. I, ed. P.Pecenko, 1996; 346 X; £16.50
A.nguttaranikâya.tîkâ, vol. II, ed. P.Pecenko, 1997; 358 3; £16.50


Text and Commentary:
Khuddakapâ.tha with Commentary (Commentary: Paramatthajotikâ I), ed. Helmer Smith, 1915; reprinted 1978; 119 X; £17.00

Text translation:
Minor Anthologies vol. I Dhammapada and Khuddakapâ.tha, tr. Mrs C.A.F. Rhys Davids, 1931; now available as part of 4 volume Minor Anthologies set, 1997; 352 4, £47.50

Text and Commentary translation:
The Minor Readings and The Illustrator of Ultimate Meaning, tr. Ven. Ñâ.namoli, 1960; reprinted 1991; 023 1; £18.50

[Dhammapada, ed. Ven. Suriyagoda Sumangala, 1914]. Not available

Dhammapada, ed. O. von Hinuber and K.R. Norman, 1994,1995; 313 3; £12.00

Indexes to the Dhammapada, Yamazaki, Ousaka and Miyao, 1995; 337 0; £12.00

Text translation:
Minor Anthologies vol. I Dhammapada and Khuddakapâ.tha, tr. Mrs C.A.F. Rhys Davids, 1931. Not available.

The Word of the Doctrine (Dhammapada), tr. with an introduction and notes by K.R.Norman, 1997; 3335 4, £16.50

Non-PTS translations include:
The Dhammapada, tr. John Ross Carter and M. Palihawadana, New York, 1987.
The Dhammapada: Pâli Text and Translation With Stories in Brief and Notes, (includes brief extracts from commentary), Nârada Thera, 1978, Buddhist Missionary Society, 123 Jalan Berhala, 50470, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

The Dhammapada: The Buddha’s Path of Wisdom, translated by Acharya Buddharakkhita, Buddhist Publication Society, Kandy, Sri Lanka; available from Wisdom Books (see UKABS opening page for details), 1985, £3.05.

Dhammapada Commentary (Dhammapada-a.t.thakathâ), ed. H.C. Norman. Complete set; 236 6; £81.75
vol. I, 1906, 1909; reprinted 1993; 090 8; £24.25
vol. II, 1911; reprinted 1993; 091 6; £17.75
vol. III, 1912; reprinted 1993; 092 4; £25.25
vol. IV, 1914; reprinted 1970 as one vol. with vol. V, Indexes by L.S. Tailang, 1915; reprinted 1992; 093 2; £21.25

Commentary translation:
Buddhist Legends, tr. E.W. Burlingame, 1921; reprinted 1990 as 3 vols. Complete set; 057 6; £48.50:
vol. I; reprinted 1990, 1995; 328 1; £17.00
vol. II; reprinted 1990, 1995; 329 X; £17.00
vol. III; reprinted 1990, 1995; 330 3; £17.00

Udâna, ed. P. Steinthal, 1885; reprinted 1982; 185 8; £8.00

Text translation:
Minor Anthologies vol. II, Udâna: Verses of Uplift and Itivuttaka: As it was said, tr. F.L. Woodward, 1935; reprinted 1985; 036 3; £14.25

The Udâna, tr. P. Masefield, 1994; 311 7; £18.50

Non-PTS translation;
The Udâna: Inspired Utterances of the Buddha, translated by John D. Ireland, Buddhist Publication Society, Kandy, Sri Lanka; available from Wisdom Books (see UKABS opening page for details), 1990, £7.40

Udâna Commentary (Paramatthadîpanî I), ed. F.L. Woodward, 1926; reprinted 1977; 186 6; £25.75

Commentary translation:
Udna Commentary, tr. P. Masefield. Complete set; 344 3; £45.50:
vol. I, 1994; 316 8; £25.00
vol. II, 1995; 317 6; £25.00

Itivuttaka, ed. E. Windisch, 1889; reprinted 1975; 103 3; £11.75

Text translation:
Minor Anthologies vol. II, Udâna: Verses of Uplift and Itivuttaka: As it was said, tr. F.L. Woodward, 1935; reprinted 1985; 036 3; £14.25

Non-PTS translation:
The Itivuttaka: The Buddha’s Sayings, traslated by John D.Ireland, Buddhist Publication Society, Kandy, Sri Lanka; available from Wisdom Books (see UKABS opening page for details), 1991, £6.50

Itivuttaka Commentary (Paramatthadîpanî II), ed. M.M. Bose. Complete set; 239 0; £31.25:
vol. I, 1934; reprinted 1977 as one vol. with vol. II, 1936; 104 1; £21.25
vol. III, Indexes by H. Kopp, 1980; 105 X; £14.50

Suttanipâta, ed. Dines Andersen and Helmer Smith, 1913; reprinted 1990; 177 7: £15.25

Text translation:
[The Group of Discourses, tr. K.R. Norman with alternative translations by I.B. Horner and Ven. Walpola Rahula, 1984]. Not available
Paperback version: The Rhinoceros Horn, tr. K.R. Norman, etc., 1985; 154 8; £7.00

The Group of Discourses, vol. II, tr. K.R. Norman (with notes), 1992,1995; 303 6; £28.00

[Woven Cadences, tr. E.M. Hare, 2nd edn. 1947]. Not available

Suttanipâta Commentary (Paramatthajotikâ II), ed. Helmer Smith. Complete set; 251 X; £46.25:
vol. I, 1916; reprinted 1989; 178 5; £20.00
vol. II, 1917; reprinted 1977; 179 3; £14.50
vol. III, Indexes, 1918; reprinted 1984; 180 7; £17.00

[Vimânavatthu. E.R. Gooneratne, 1886]. Not available
[Petavatthu. J. Minayeff, 1888]. Not available
Vimânavatthu and Petavatthu. N.A. Jayawickrama, 1977; 064 9; £17.75

Text translations:
Minor Anthologies vol. IV [Vimânavatthu: Stories of the Mansions, tr. J. Kennedy and Petavatthu: Stories of the Departed, tr. H.S. Gehman, 1942], Not available

Minor Anthologies vol. IV, Vimânavatthu: Stories of the Mansions and Petavatthu: Stories of the Departed, tr. I.B. Horner 1974; reprinted 1993; 073 8; £10.00

[Vimânavatthu Commentary (Paramatthadîpanî III), E. Hardy, 1901]. Not available

Commentary translation:
Vimâna Stories, tr. P. Masefield, 1989; 272 2; £35.50

[Petavatthu Commentary: (Paramatthadîpanî IV), ed. E. Hardy, 1894. Not available

Commentary translation:
Peta Stories, tr. U Ba Kyaw and P. Masefield, 1980; 075 4; £35.50

Theragâthâ, ed. H. Oldenberg, and Therîgâthâ, ed. R. Pischel, 1883, 2nd edn. 1966 with Appendixes by K.R. Norman and L. Alsdorf; reprinted 1990; 181 5; £17.00

Text translations:
Elders’ Verses, prose tr. K.R. Norman. Complete set; 259 5; £37.40:
vol. I (monks’ verses), 1969; reprinted 1990; 029 0; £19.50
vol. II, (nuns’ verses)1971; reprinted 1992,1995; 031 2; £19.50

Psalms of the Early Buddhists, verse tr. Mrs C.A.F. Rhys Davids (which also contains short extracts from the commentaries): The Sisters, 1909 and The Brethren, 2nd edn. 1937; reprinted 1980, 1994; 076 2; £36.75

Poems of Early Buddhist Nuns, verse tr. Mrs C.A.F. Rhys Davids and prose tr. K.R. Norman, 1989 (is the portion of the above two translations which deal with the Therîgâthâ); 289 7; £7.00
Poems of Early Buddhist Monks, prose translation, K.R.Norman, 1997; 339 7; £7.00

Theragâthâ Commentary (Paramatthadpanî V), ed. F.L. Woodward. Complete set; 252 8; £46.75:
vol. I, 1940; reprinted 1971,1995; 182 3; £17.00
vol. II, 1952; reprinted 1977; 183 1; £17.00
vol. III, 1959; reprinted 1984; 184 X; £17.00

[Therîgâthâ Commentary (Paramatthadîpanî VI), ed. E. Muller, 1893]. Not available

Therîgâthâ Commentary (Paramatthadîpanî VI), ed. W.Pruitt, 1997; 357 5; £17.00

Commenatary translation:
The Commentary on the Verses of the Therîs, tr. W.Pruitt, 1998; 363 X; £22.00

Text and Commentary:
Jâtaka with Commentary: (Commentary = Jâtakattha-va.n.nanâ), ed. V. Fausboll. Complete set; 240 4; £155.00:
vol. I, 1877; reprinted 1990; 106 8; £24.95
vol. II, 1879; reprinted 1990; 107 6; £24.95
vol. III, 1883; reprinted 1990,1995; 108 4; £24.95
vol. IV, 1887; reprinted 1991,1995; 109 2; £24.95
vol. V, 1891; reprinted 1991; 110 6; £24.95
vol. VI, 1896; reprinted 1990; 111 4; £24.95
vol. VII, Indexes by Dines Andersen, 1897; reprinted 1992; 112 2; £16.50

Text and Commentary translations:
Ku.nâla-jâtaka, ed. and tr. W.B. Bollee, 1970; 050 9; £12.75

The Jâtaka or Stories of the Buddha’s Former Births, tr. by various hands under the editorship of E.B. Cowell, 6 vols 1895-1907 and Index 1913, all reprinted 1990. Complete set; 260 9; £74.50:
original vol. I, tr. R. Chalmers, 1995 and vol. II, tr. W.H.D. Rouse; 053 3; £26.25
original vol. III, tr. H.T. Francis and R.A. Neil, 1995 and vol. IV, tr. W.H.D. Rouse; 054 1: £26.25
original vol. V, tr. H.T. Francis and vol. VI, tr. E.B. Cowell and W.H.D. Rouse and Index volume; 055 X; £26.25

Commentary translation:
The Story of Gotama Buddha, tr. N.A. Jayawickrama, 1990; 293 5; £7.00: paperback translation of vol.I of the Jâtaka with Commentary, which is the Nidânakathâ, a purely commentarial section on the life of the Buddha

Niddesa set, including index volume, 1998, 365 6; £50.00
Niddesa, Mahâ-, ed. L. de La Vallee Poussin and E.J. Thomas, 2 vols, 1916, 1917; reprinted as one vol. 1978; 136 X; £26.50
Index to the Mahâniddesa, L.S. Cousins, 1995; 310 9; £13.00
Niddesa, Cûla-, ed. W. Stede, 1918; reprinted 1988; 277 3; £17.50

Niddesa Commentary (Saddhammapajjotikâ), ed. Ven. A.P. Buddhadatta. Complete set; 343 5; £47.00:
vol. I, 1931; reprinted 1980 as one vol. with vol. II, 1939; reprinted 1980; 137 8; £24.95
vol. III, 1940; reprinted 1989; 138 6; £24.95

Pa.tisambhidâmagga, ed. A.C. Taylor, 2 vols, 1905, 1907; reprinted as one vol. 1979; 146 7; £24.25

Text translation:
The Path of Discrimination, tr. Ven. Ñâ.namoli, Introduction by A.K. Warder, 1982; reprinted 1991, 1996; 074 6; £30.50

Pa.tisambhidâmagga Commentary (Saddhammappakâsinî), ed. C.V. Joshi . Complete set; 246 3; £37.40:
vol. I, 1933; reprinted 1979; 147 5; £20.25
vol. II; reprinted 1979 as one vol. with vol. III, 1947; 148 3; £20.25

[Apadâna, ed. M.E. Lilley, vol. I, 1925; vol. II, 1927]. Not available

Apadâna Commentary (Visuddhajanavilâsinî), ed. C.E. Godakumbura, 1954; 280 3; £26.25

[Buddhava.msa and Cariyâpi.taka, ed. R. Morris,1882]. Not available
Buddhava.msa and Cariyâpi.taka, ed. N.A.Jayawickrama, 1974,1995; 085 1; £15.50

Text translations:
[Minor Anthologies vol. III, Buddhava.msa: The Lineage of the Buddhas and Cariyâpi.taka: Collection of Ways of Conduct, tr. B.C. Law, 1938]. Not available

Minor Anthologies vol. III , Buddhava.msa: Chronicle of Buddhas and Cariyâpi.taka: Basket of Conduct, tr. I.B. Horner, 1975; reprinted 1975; 072 X; £12.75

Buddhava.msa Commentary (Madhurattha-vilâsinî), ed. I.B. Horner, 1946; reprinted 1978; 086 X; £19.75
Cariyâpi.taka Commentary (Paramatthadîpanî VII), ed. D.L. Barua, 1939; reprinted with Indexes by H. Kopp, 1979; 087 8; £21.95

Commentary to Buddhava.msa translation:
Clarifier of the Sweet Meaning, tr. I.B. Horner, 1978; 069 X; £27.50

Dhammasa.nga.nî, ed. E. Muller, 1885; reprinted 1978; 094 0; £18.50
(Also known as the Dhammasa.mgaha).

Dhammasa.nga.nî, Index, by Tabata, Nonome and Bando, 1987; 270 6; £11.50

Text translation:
Buddhist Psychological Ethics, tr. Mrs C.A.F. Rhys Davids, 1900, 3rd edn. reprint 1993; 62 2; £23.00

Atthasâlinî, ed. E. Muller, 1897, revised reprint with indexes by L.S.Cousins and I.B.Horner, 1979; 083 5; £26.50

Commentary translation:
The Expositor, tr. Pe Maung Tin, 2 vols, 1920, 1921; reprinted as one vol. 1976; 070 3; £27.50

Vibha.nga ed. Mrs. C.A.F. Rhys Davids, 1904; 188 2; £24.00

Text translation:
The Book of Analysis, tr. Ven. U Thittila, 1969; reprinted 1988 IA169; 030 4; £33.00

Vibha.nga Commentary: (Sammohavinodanî), ed. Ven. A.P. Buddhadatta, 1923; reprinted 1980; 189 0; £27.50

Commentary translation:
Dispeller of Delusion, tr. Bhikkhu Ñâ.namoli, rev. by L.S.Cousins et al.. Complete set; 345 1; £47.00:
vol. I, 1987; 155 6; £24.75
vol. II, 1991; 291 9; £24.75

Text and Commentary:
Dhâtukathâ with Commentary:, ed. E.R. Gooneratne, 1892; reprinted with corrections 1987; 095 9; £10.00

Text and Commentary translation:
Discourse on Elements, tr. Ven. U Narada [of Rangoon], 1962; reprinted 1977,1995; 025 8; £14.25

Text and Commentary:
Puggalapaññatti, ed. R. Morris, 1883, 2nd edn. 1972, as one vol. with Puggalapaññatti Commentary, ed. G. Landsberg and Mrs. C.A.F. Rhys Davids, Journal 1914; 156 4; £17.25

Text translation:
A Designation of Human Types, tr. B.C. Law, 1922; reprinted 1992; 009 6; £8.95

Kathâvatthu, ed. A.C. Taylor. Complete set; 342 7; £49.00:
vol. I, 1894; reprinted 1979 as one vol. with vol. II, 1897; reprinted 1979; 116 5; £33.50
Index volume, Satoshi Nonome et al., 1982; 117 3; £18.50

Text translation:
Points of Controversy, tr. S.Z. Aung and Mrs C.A.F. Rhys Davids, 1915; reprinted 1993; 002 9; £18.50

Kathâvatthu Commentary: ed. J. Minayeff, Journal 1889

Kathâvatthu Commentary: ed. N.A. Jayawickrama, 1979; 118 1; £35.50

Commentary translation:
The Debates Commentary, tr. B.C. Law, 1940; reprinted 1989; 019 3; £15.95

Yamaka, ed. Mrs C.A.F. Rhys Davids, 2 vols, 1911, 1913. Complete set; 276 5; £38.50:
vol. I, 1911; reprinted 1987,1995; 274 9; £20.25
vol. II, 1913; reprinted 1987,1995; 275 7; £20.25

Yamaka Commentary, ed. Mrs C.A.F. Rhys Davids, Journal 1912

Text and Commentary:
Tika-pa.t.thâna and Commentary, ed. Mrs C.A.F. Rhys Davids, 3 vols, 1921, 1922, 1923; reprinted as one vol. 1988; 279 X; £25.50

Text and commentary translation (from the Burmese Sixth Council version of the Canon):
Conditional Relations, tr. Ven. U Narada [of Rangoon]. Complete set; 257 9; £66.95:
vol. I, 1969; reprinted 1992; 028 2; £31.75
vol. II, 1981; reprinted 1993; 264 1; £37.95

Duka-pa.t.thâna, ed. Mrs. C.A.F. Rhys Davids, 1906; reprinted 1988; 278 1; £25.50