The UKABS Committee

Acting President: Dr Cathy Cantwell (Oxford University, Oriental Institute)

Secretary: Dr Hiroko Kawanami (University of Lancaster)

Treasurer and Membership Secretary: Caroline Starkey (University of Leeds)
(for membership queries email UKABSmembership [AT]

General Editor of UKABS journal, Buddhist Studies Review: Prof. Peter Harvey (University of Sunderland)

Professor Ann Heirman (Ghent University)

Dr. Peter Sharrock (SOAS)

Roger Wright (Independent Scholar)

Website manager: Matt Coward (York St. John University)

Postgraduate representative: Ms. Emanuela Sala (SOAS)

Assistant Editor of UKABS Journal, Buddhist Studies Review: Dr. Alice Collett (York St John University) – to attend in place of General Editor when they are unavailable.

Book Reviews Editor of UKABS Journal, Buddhist Studies Review: Dr Sarah Shaw (Oxford University)

IT Officer: Dr Janine Nicol (SOAS)

Please contact Peter Harvey (editor, BSR) for manuscript contributions to Buddhist Studies Review mailto: b.peter.harvey [AT]