Para- and Post-canonical literature other than commentaries
These texts are included in the Burmese edition of the Canon, but not in other versions:
Pali Text Society publications unless otherwise stated. Prices below are now out of date, do for current prices for PTS publications, consult their web-site.
Text and Commentary:
Milindapañha, ed. V. Trenckner, 1880; reprinted 1986 as one vol. with Milinda-ṭīkā, ed. P.S. Jaini, 1961; 235 8; £27.50
Text translation:
Milinda’s Questions, tr. I.B. Horner , the famous discussion on points of doctrine which purport to be between the venerable Nāgāsena and king Milinda. Complete set; 263 3; £32.50;
vol. I, 1963; reprinted 1990; 046 0; £18.25
vol. II, 1964; reprinted 1991; 047 9: £18.25
Nettipakaraṇa. E. Hardy, 1902, in the form of a guide to commentators of the Canon; reprinted 1961, 1995; 131 5; £20.00
Text translation
The Guide, tr. Ven. Ñāṇamoli, 1962; reprinted 1977; 024 X; £20.95
Peṭakopadesa, ed. A. Barua, 1949; reprinted 1982; 149 1; £12.25
Text translation:
Piṭaka Disclosure, tr. Ven. Ñāṇamoli, 1964; reprinted 1979; 026 6; £24.00
LATER PALI TEXTS These are all Pali texts, except where it is indicated that they are a translation.
Abhidhammattha-Saṅgaha and Abhidhammatthavibhāvinī-ṭīkā,, ed. H. Saddhatissa, 1989; 288 9; £22.50; ed. T.W. Rhys Davids, in Journal 1884
Translated as: Compendium of Philosophy, tr. S.Z. Aung and Mrs C.A.F. Rhys Davids, 1910, repr. 1979,1995; 000 2; £19.50
Non-PTS translation:
A Comprehensive Manual of Abhidhamma, Bhikkhu Bodhi (originally edited and translated by Mahāthera Nārada): text, translation and detailed explanatory guide, Buddhist Publication Society, Kandy, Sri Lanka; available from Wisdom Books (see UKABS opening page for details), 1993, £17.25.
Buddhadatta’s Manuals: Abhidhammāvatāra, Rūpārūpavibhāga, Vinayavinicchaya, Uttaravinicchaya, ed. Ven. A.P. Buddhadatta, 2 vols, 1915, 1928; reprinted as one vol. 1980; 084 3; £26.50
Nāmarūpapariccheda, ed. Ven. A.P. Buddhadatta, Journal 1913-14
Nāmarūpasamāsa, ed. Ven. P. Dhammarama, Journal 1915-16
Mahāvaṃsa, ed. W. Geiger, 1908, repr. 1958; 120 3; £20.00
Translated as: The Great Chronicle of Ceylon, tr. Wilhelm Geiger assisted by Mabel H. Bode, 1912; reprinted with Addendum by G.C. Mendis, 1980; 001 0; £20.00
Extended Mahāvaṃsa, ed. G.P. Malalasekera, 1937; reprinted 1988; 285 4; £16.50
Mahāvaṃsa-ṭīkā (Vaṃsatthappakāsinī), ed. G.P. Malalasekera. Complete set; 241 2; £40.50:
vol. I, 1935; reprinted 1977; 121 1; £22.75
vol. II, 1935; reprinted 1977; 122 X; £20.00
Cūlavaṃsa, ed. W. Geiger, 2 vols, 1925, 1927; reprinted as one vol. 1980; 088 6; £33.75
Translated as: Cūlavaṃsa, tr. into English by Mrs C. Mabel Rickmers from the German tr. by Wilhelm Geiger, 2 vols, 1929, 1930; reprinted 1973; 013 4; £20.95
Anāgata-Vaṃsa, ed. J. Minayeff, Journal 1886
Translated as: Anagatavamsa Desana, tr. J.C.Holt, publisher = ?, but available from Wisdom books (see UKABS opening page for web-sites of publishers for information)), £8.95
Cha-kesa-dhātu-vaṃsa, ed. J. Minayeff, Journal 1885
Dāṭhāvaṃsa, ed. T.W. Rhys Davids, Journal 1884
Gandhavaṃsa, ed. J. Minayeff, Journal 1886
Hatthavanagallavihāravaṃsa,, ed. C.E.Godakumbura, 1956; 102 5; £4.00
[Mahābodhivaṃsa, ed. S.A. Strong, 1891]. Not available
Sāsanavaṃsa, ed. M. Bode, 1897; reprinted 1996; 340 0; £17.00
Translated as:
[The History of the Buddha’s Religion, tr. B.C. Law, 1952]. Not available
[Thūpavaṃsa, ed. B.C. Law, 1935]. Not available
Thūpavaṃsa, ed. and translated (as Chronicle of the Thūpa), N.A. Jayawickrama, 1971; 052 5; £19.00
Upāsakajanālaṅkāra, ed. Ven. H. Saddhatissa, 1965; 187 4; £20.00
Dasabodhisattuppattikathā, ed. and translated, as Birth Stories of the Ten Bodhisattas, Ven. H. Saddhatissa, 1975; 089 4;£18.00
Paññāsa Jātaka (= Zimme Paṇṇāsa), ed. P.S. Jaini. Complete set; 244 7; £74.00:
vol. I: stories 1-25, 1981; 140 8; £39.75
vol. II: stories 26-50, 1983 ; 141 6; £39.75
Translated as:
Apocryphal Birth Stories, IA104-105. Complete set; 233 1; £57.00:
vol. I, tr. I.B. Horner and P.S. Jaini, 1985 IA104; 151 3; £31.00
vol. II, tr. P.S. Jaini, 1986 IA105; 152 1; £31.00
The Path of Freedom: Vimuttimagga of the Arahat Upatissa, translated by Rev.N.R.M.Ehara, Soma Thera and Kheminda Thera from the Chinese Gedatsu Do Ron, itself a translation of a lost third century CE Pali text which was a forerunner of the Visuddhimagga, Buddhist Publication Society, Kandy, Sri Lanka; available from Wisdom Books (see UKABS opening page for details), 1977, £18.
Visuddhimagga (of Buddhaghosa), ed. Mrs C.A.F. Rhys Davids, 2 vols, 1920, 1921; reprinted as one vol. 1975; 195 5; £38.75
Translated as : The Path of Purity, tr. Pe Maung Tin, 3 vols, 1923, 1929, 1931; reprinted as one vol. 1975; 008 8; £35.50
Non-PTS translation:
The Path of Purification, tr. Ñāṇamoli, Buddhist Publication Society, Kandy, Sri Lanka; available from Wisdom Books (see UKABS opening page for details), 3rd. edition, 1975, £36; also 2 volumes, Shambhala, 1976.
Yogāvacara’s Manual, ed. T.W. Rhys Davids, 1896; reprinted 1981; 196 3; £15.00
Translated as:
Manual of a Mystic, tr. F.L. Woodward, Appendix by D.B. Jayatilaka, 1916; reprinted 1982; 003 7; £13.25
Braḥ Māleyyadevattheravatthuṃ, ed. E. Denis, Journal XVIII
Buddhadatta’s Manuals: Abhidhammāvatāra, Rūpārūpavibhāga, Vinayavinicchaya, Uttaravinicchaya, ed. Ven. A.P. Buddhadatta, 2 vols, 1915, 1928; reprinted as one vol. 1980; 084 3; £26.50
Bhesajjamañjūsā, ed. J.Liyanaratne, 1997; 347 8; £17.00
Jinacarita, ed. W.H.D. Rouse, Journal 1905
Jinakālamālī, ed. Ven. A.P. Buddhadatta, 1962; 113 0; £13.00
Translated as: Epochs of the Conqueror tr. N.A. Jayawickrama, 1962; reprinted 1978; 027 4; £16.75
Jinakālamālī Index, Hans Penth, 1994; 324 9; £13.00
Jinālaṅkāra, ed. and translated (as Embellishments of Buddha), James Gray, 1894; reprinted 1981; 114 9; £12.50
Khudda-sikkhā, ed. E. Muller, Journal 1883
Lokaneyyappakaraṇaṃ, ed. P.S. Jaini, 1986; 150 5; £17.75
Mohavicchedanī, ed. Ven. A.P. Buddhadatta and A.K. Warder, 1961; 134 3; £21.95
Mūlasikkhā, ed. E. Muller, Journal 1883
Nibbānasutta, (an apocryphal Southeast Asian Sutta). C. Hallisey, Journal XVIII
Pajjamadhu. E.R. Gooneratne, Journal 1887
Pāli Nīti Texts of Burma. H. Bechert and H. Braun, 1981; 139 4; £39.50
Pañcagatidīpana. L. Feer, Journal 1884
Saccasaṅkhepa, ed. Ven. P. Dhammarama, Journal 1917-19
Saddhamma-saṅgaha, ed. Ven. N. Saddhananda, Journal 1890
Saddhammopāyana, ed. R. Morris, Journal 1887
Samantakūṭavaṇṇanā, ed. C.E. Godakumbura, 1958,1995 *B49; 157 2; £7.50
Translated as:In Praise of Mount Samanta, tr. A. Hazelwood, 1986; 153 X; £12.75
Sandesakathā, ed. J. Minayeff, Journal 1885
Sārasaṅgaha. G. Sasaki, 1992; 302 8; £15.50
Sīmā-vivāda-vinicchaya-kathā, ed. J. Minayeff, Journal 1887
Tela-kaṭāha-gāthā, ed. E.R. Gooneratne, Journal 1884
Tuṇḍilovāda, ed. C. Hallisey, Journal XV
La Lokapaññatti et les idées cosmologiques du bouddhisme ancien, Eugène Denis, Paris, 1977
Saddanīti, Helmer Smith, Lund, 1928-66
Le Sīhalavatthuppakaraṇa. Texte Pāli et traduction, ed. Jacqueline Ver Ecke, PEFEO, EFEO, Paris, 1980
Le Dasavatthuppakaraṇa, ed. (& French trsl.) Jacqueline Ver Ecke, PEFEO, EFEO, Paris, 1976.